Monday, January 2, 2012

Spring Cleaning

So, I started spring cleaning a few days ago. 
Un-cluttering closets. 
Creating a pile of items to donate. 
Clearing the dust in forgotten spaces. 
You get the idea.

But, I also had to un-clutter my life of more people. 
A whole lot of more people. 
It's sad really. 
I wanted to be in their lives. 
I wanted them in mine. 
But, when they primarily complain about the everyday things in life,
nothing major whatsoever, it begins to get on my nerves.
They don't show gratitude. They whine. 
And, these people are also offended by the truth. 
They don't want to hear it, practice it, or live it. 
No, with some people, it is all a soap opera of who said what to whom. 
Everyone stabbing everyone, while they all look on innocently.

Am I innocent? No. 
But, I do love the truth. 
It sets a person free. 
These people would rather stay shackled to their drama, 
lies, deceit, and pride. 
So be it. 

Let them tear each other down, tear each other apart;
let them speak to each other with lying lips, and wound each other endlessly.
I want no part of it anymore. 

I've been around long enough to know that people do not often change. 
They want to improve to be better in their own eyes, not God's eyes. 
Because changing to be better in God's eyes requires much more 
sacrifice, usually much more pain, and a strong desire to go 
after God's own heart. 

It's a new year. 
With the death of my mom, I went through enough pain for one year. 
And, holding onto people who only speak lies, 
and who only bring harm,
are not worth holding onto. 

So, along with clearing my life of too much stuff, 
I'm also setting myself free of too many hurtful individuals. 

It's a brand new year! 
And, I hope that God gives us an outpouring of many 
new blessings and much happiness. 
Because I am ready for a wonderful new adventure! 
And, may He bless you too! :o)

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