Sunday, December 15, 2013

And the deaf hear

For the past few years now, I haven't been able to 

understand church services due to my declining speech 

discrimination/hearing loss. Just yesterday, I was asking 

God, "What is the point in going to church? I  can't       

understand anything anymore." I just sit, growing 

increasingly frustrated, feeling like I could be using my 

time better at home. 

Last week, the service was about how hearing is the most 

effective way to take in information. And, I was thinking, 

"Well, isn't that a slap in the face?" This week, I went, 

but had my "loop" and microphone. Husband asked the 

priest to please put on the microphone for me, 

explaining that I would be able to hear and understand 

him better with it. And, he happily agreed.

Service started. He began talking. And, I began to cry. 

I could understand what he was saying. It was clear. 

His message? About JOY. About how the blind 

will see, how the deaf will hear. I had tears of joy 

streaming down my face today. God used that loop 

to allow me to hear again!

God answered my prayers today.........................

and I was able to hear.

My Lord is amazing! 

"The blind receive their sight, and the lame walk, the 

lepers are cleansed,and the deaf hear, the dead are 

raised up, and and the poor have the gospel preached 

to them"  Mathew 11:5

"Then the eyes of the blind shall be opened, and the 

ears of the deaf unstopped."

Isaiah 35:5