Thursday, January 5, 2012

New Year's Resolutions

Well, I didn't get my snow.
I didn't get my cat.
And, my year got off to a rough start.
But, I'm still optimistic. 
God has been doing some unusual, 
yet amazing things in my life. 
And, I'm quite excited.
 But, I must confess, I'd still like the cat, 
and I can still tell that the year will be a good one.

But, I want to talk about New Year's resolutions.
Most everyone makes them. 
They want to lose weight and get into shape.
Quit smoking.
Eat healthier.

Well, round is a shape.
I don't smoke.
And, I try to eat better; 
some days are more successful then others. 
I know, a Snickers bar does not constitute 
as a healthy lunch, no matter how much 
it "really satisfies".

I wanted to make a different kind of 
resolution this year.
And, I heard a message loud and clear......... at church.
(The fact that I picked up anything is astonishing to me,
considering I have a profound hearing loss.)

It's not your typical cliche. 
It's not going to the gym, 
it's not working out, 
or drinking vegetable smoothies.
It's not about tithing more, 
or being more diligent about confessing your sins. 
No, this one is different.

It's simple. 
And, you don't have to do a single sit-up.
How about this for a novel idea? 
Giving your time.
Giving your love.
Giving of yourself. 

So often we lose time. 
It gets sucked up by I-pods, I-pads, cell phones, 
television, video games, and movies. 
And, once it's gone, we can never get it back. 
Time is probably our single most valuable asset. 
There are people who crave nothing more then 
for someone who will sit and share their time with them. 
It could be a lonely neighbor, an elderly shut-in, 
or maybe even your own spouse or child. 
It can be easy to overlook our own family members 
when we take their presence for granted.

It's so easy to go through an entire day and not say,
"I love you". We get caught up in our daily busyness, 
and keep thinking that we'll just tell our loved one later, 
or another time, or tomorrow. 
Well, what if your loved one was gone tomorrow? 
Would you have regret if you never got to tell them, 
"I love you", again?  

The last time I ever told my mom that I loved her 
was the day before she died. 
I was so grateful for that. 
My husband tells me that he loves me 
every single day before he leaves for work. 
Sure, I'm still half asleep (usually more then half), 
but I still know when he tells me. 
And, I tell him every morning before he leaves. 
Sure, sometimes it comes out more as a slur of words, 
but he understands my sleep induced speech. 
We're good like that.

And, how about showing our love? 
Do we give people the patience that they deserve? 
Do we treat our own family members as well 
as we treat our friends? 
Do we occasionally put out the fine china for 
our husband and children the way that we do 
for special guests? 
Do we show those that mean most to us, 
how much we care and appreciate them?

And, giving of yourself. 
Do we go out of our way to help another human being? 
Or do you give yourself to God in prayer each day? 
There are so many ways that we can give of ourselves. 
We just need to look. 

These are my New Year's resolutions.
I've already taken some steps in order 
to carry them out. 
I have a husband and three children who 
beg me for some of my time and love everyday. 
And, I confess, I need to stop overlooking them. 
I need to give more of myself to God too. 

Sure, I'll still be praying for God to show me how 
I can spend time with someone outside of my family. 
I'll be praying for Him to show me who else 
I can show my love. 
But, I need to remember that I have four individuals 
already here who need those things first and foremost. 

So, maybe you already made your New Year's resolution. 
But, is it one that will truly make a difference in your life and the life of another human being? 
If not, you can always start a new one tomorrow.

May God guide your steps,
and may your new year be overflowing 
with many new blessings!   :o)

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