Friday, November 8, 2013

What would you choose?

Today, I'm excited and a little stressed out all at once.
Why? You ask. Because today is the day that I place an order for new hearing aids.
Narrowing down the brand and type was fairly easy considering my type of
hearing loss.

The thing that I'm struggling with is the COLOR. Yes, I'm having more difficulty
choosing which color I want then which aid I need to buy. For the past 35 years
of my life, I have only worn ONE color. Beige. Bland, matches-absolutely-no-
skin-color-of-anyone-on-this earth, beige.
So, the excitement at the chance to have new colors is a bit intoxicating.
You probably think I'm over reacting. It's just color, right? Think I'm crazy?

Let me put it to you this way: What if your entire life you only had vanilla ice-cream.
You were grateful for the vanilla ice-cream. But then one day, they came out with
strawberry, mint chocolate chip, and butter pecan! And, you could ONLY have
ONE flavor for the next 5 to 7 years. Oh, the agony! Which would you choose?
That is where I'm at right now.

I really wanted hot pink; but alas that is not an option. My choices are
red, transparent purple, and transparent blue. They're all good options.
I'm just not sure which to choose. And, I don't know if I want both of the
hearing aids to be the same color. Or if I want each aid to be a different color.
Oh, the possibilities!

I really want my hearing aids to "pop!". If you've never worn hearing aids,
let me tell you: just because a person has hearing aids, doesn't mean that their
hearing is perfect. It isn't like buying a pair of glasses and having perfect vision.
I still won't hear people as well as I could if I had "normal" hearing.
Having said that, I want bold colored hearing aids. So when I don't
hear the woman speaking behind me, asking me to move out of her way
so that she can reach for that jar of pickles that I'm blocking, she may see
my bold colored aids and realize that I'm not being rude, but that I am unable
to hear her.

So, it's a tough decision! The only easy part is choosing the color that I want
for the ear molds (the part that fits inside the ear). The ear molds come in a
variety of colors as well. But, they will be changed about every 2 years.
And, they can come in any color! Even three colors swirled together!
With glitter! But, because they will be changed about every two years,
the commitment isn't as intense.

I am leaning toward purple aids with hot pink glittery molds.
The color and shine will hopefully stand out and be noticeable.
So maybe, next time I'm blocking someone trying to reach for a
box of cereal on the shelf in front of me, they'll see my aids and
bear with me, instead of giving me a scowl for not stepping aside.

Here is to new hearing aids! Hoping that they'll improve the quality of my
life, and save the sanity of those who must live with me, love me,
and be around me!


  1. Yes beige is boring. I think if I had the options of colours as you have, I would be going for purple, which is no surprise to them that know me, as I have a purple fad the last few years. :-)

    The other option after choosing colour is to buy Ear Gear. There are all sorts of colours and designs now. I have pastel blue, royal blue, black and hot pink in these.

  2. Life is too short for beige!

  3. I cannot say just how excited I am to finally be able to get another color! I do find it interesting that late deafened folks usually want the neutral colors so the aids blend in with their hair and is camouflaged. But, the folks who have been deaf/hoh their entire lives want the colors that pop b/c they don't care if people see the aids, and even WANT people to see the aids. I respect both groups. But, I for one, am definitely happy about the new color options! :o)
