Monday, November 18, 2013

If Church Came To Life

I'm deaf/hard of hearing. 
I usually go to church on Sunday with my husband and children.
We go to Catholic church.
When we go, I cannot understand the priest. 
So, my eyes tend to wander, as does my mind. 
I love things that stimulate my eyes.
I love color, light, and texture.
And, today, while sitting in church, I began to think about how wonderful 
it would be if church could really come to life. 

Wouldn't it be incredible if, when the organ played, each note would 
produce a different color? The deeper the note, the deeper the hue of 
the color that it produced. The softest notes would be pastel, and almost
invisible. The colors would float down softly and eventually vanish like fog.

And, the pictures in stained glass. Wouldn't it be marvelous if they would
come alive and move in the windows? They would glitter with the sun 
shining through them as they moved. We could watch the Last Supper 
come to life, and see Jesus going up to Heaven. 

And the priest. I wish that he had a special microphone that would let the words
he spoke be spelled out from his lips in mid-air. Every single word would 
come tumbling out of his mouth in various bold colors. And, it wouldn't 
matter if you could hear him or not, because the words would be visible 
and linger in the air.

I wish that when it was time to say, "Peace be with you", and shake hands 
with my neighbors in the pews, that when our hands came together, there
was an instant connection, an electric charge, something that would help
us instantly understand each other better. 

I wish that when we touched the holy water and put it to our head, chest,
and shoulders to make the sign of the cross, that it would immediately 
cleanse away our fears, worries, grief, pain, and the sin we've been 
harboring in our hearts. I wish those few drops of water could truly 
make our hearts clean.

I imagine that if church could be like this, more people would come
a whole lot more often. I know I would. On earth we only have 
ordinary church with ordinary services. But, I know that someday,
when I go Home, I'll witness something that is most extraordinary!  

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