Sunday, November 11, 2012

Looking At Heaven

There is an old story.
It's about four blind guys standing around an elephant. 
They're trying to figure out what they're feeling. 

One guy feels the elephant's tail, and says, "It's a rope".
The second guy says, "No, no, it's obviously a wall"; as he is rubbing the 
elephant's side. 
Another guy says, "You're both wrong, it's definitely a hose"; as he holds
onto the trunk of the animal. 
The last guy says, "You're all wrong! It is, without a doubt, a fan"; as he
feels the elephant's large ear.  

Sometimes, I wonder if this is how we view Heaven and 
everyday occurrences.  When we look up at the clouds, are we
also looking up at Heaven's floor, and just don't know it? 
Are our loved ones knelt down on clouds, looking at us? 
Are they smiling because they can see us whenever they want? 
They never have to miss us. 

Are the stars really heavenly address plaques? 

When we step outside, and feel a breeze blow softly against our cheek, 
is it just the wind? Or is it a heavenly kiss from a loved one 
who has passed on?

Or, is that breeze the language of Heaven?
Is it Heavenly for "I love you"? 

Is a child's carefree, innocent laughter just that? 
Or, is it really a glimpse of what we will hear in Heaven?

If Heaven is paved with gold, and the walls are covered in what
are Earth's most precious jewels, what else does Heaven hold? 
Are there clues all around us, and we just don't see?

When we glimpse a butterfly, is it a clue about how easily and
painlessly we'll flow through the heavenly palace? 

When spring arrives, and the flowers open, are they really singing
a song we cannot hear?

When winter brings it's fluffy white snow, is it a message to 
show us how light, white, and clean our heavenly garment will be? 

Is the rain really God's way of saying, "I've washed away your sins today"?

When the thunder rumbles loudly in the sky, is this God's voice saying, 
"I am Mightier then any earthly king!"?

And are diamonds a reminder of how precious we are to God? 
That we're all different, but that he loves us all. Some of us are polished, 
and reflect God's light easily. Then there are those of us who are covered 
in dirt, who could use some help, who want to shine, but who find 
it difficult to do. And, there are the ones who have covered their hearts 
in hard dirt, who don't want God, and who do not shine His light at all. 

When we look around and see ordinary things during an ordinary day,
are we really witnessing extraordinary messages from Heaven, 
and we're just unaware? 

Sometimes I just wonder if God left us the ordinary to teach us 
about the extraordinary.