Tuesday, December 25, 2012

A New Christmas Year

Most people wait until New Year's Day to make 
their New Year's Resolutions. They consider January 1st
to be the beginning of the new year. But, over the past 
few years, I have come to feel that Christmas Day is actually 
a better beginning for the new year.

Around Christmas, I make apologies to those I've offended, 
I forgive those who need forgiving (I don't point this out to the
person, I do it consciously for myself), and I ask forgiveness
from those I hurt. In doing this, I hope to take care of, and 
leave behind, old burdens, hurts, and offenses before Christmas, 
so that I, and the ones I had offended, can wake up Christmas 
morning with a clear conscious and a full heart.  

It isn't New Year's Day alone that feels like a brand new fresh start, 
but actually Christmas Day. This day we celebrate because a child
came down from Heaven, so that, as a man, he could serve his sole 
purpose of dying on a cross for our salvation. This seems, in my opinion,
a far better reason to celebrate a new year rather then just because 
it's time to start another calender.

I don't really have too many New Year's resolutions. I just want to 
be a better person then last year, love my family more, lose my 
temper less, don't take my family for granted, and to help another 
in need when we see it. I'd also like to be less stubborn, and to be 
able to keep my heart open more to God's calling. That pretty much 
sums it up. Sure, I could afford to lose a few pounds (Ok, I really 
need to lose quite a few pounds), but I don't think that is the most 
important thing right now. I think that having a relationship with 
Christ and growing closer to becoming the human being that God 
created me to be, are most important.

Sure, I'm looking forward to January first; it is a brand new year.
Just like a brand new gift, with each day individually wrapped.
But, Christmas is our true gift. It offers real hope. A clean slate.
A new beginning. Another chance. And, for this I am very grateful.
Because if it weren't for this, I'd be utterly lost.

I hope you all have a beautiful Christmas, and a New Year
overflowing with new blessings.   


1 comment:

  1. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
