Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Hard of Understanding

Hard of Hearing.
Moderate to severe hearing loss.
Hearing impaired. 
They're all the same.
They all describe me. 
They all simply mean that my ears don't function as intended.

This doesn't mean that I can't think. 
This doesn't mean that I'm stupid.
This doesn't mean that I should not, or cannot lead a normal productive life.

It also doesn't give people the right to be blatantly rude towards me.
Nor does it mean that people have the right to tell me, "Never mind", 
when I fail to understand them because THEY failed to look at me when 
they were talking to me. 

I refuse to believe that it is only my fault when I misunderstand someone talking.
I refuse to allow people to ignore me as if I'm not even present... and get away with it.
I refuse to lip read while the person is talking with food in their mouth. 
I refuse to answer to or talk with someone who chooses not to look at
me when they're talking.  

Things need to change. 
There is no reason why I need to put up with the ignorance
 and just sheer stupidity of hearing people who think 
that they're better then I just because they can hear. 
That is just wrong. 

I don't know how, but I need to find a way to make things better for myself. 
I need to gain my confidence back. 
Take back my quality of life. 

I am hearing impaired or hard of hearing,
but I prefer a new term I heard recently, 
"Hard of Understanding". 
That is much more accurate. 
I struggle to understand so much more then I struggle to hear. 
But hearing people struggle to hear and listen.

I don't have anything against hearing people. 
I'm married to one, and all my children are hearing. 
I just have something against disrespect, ignorance, and 

So, if you see me on the street, just smile. 
If you want to say "Hello", make sure you have my attention. 
Make sure that I can see your face in order to read your lips. 
Speak clearly and don't yell or over pronounce your words. 
And, have patience with me. 
If you do these things, you'll probably gain a loyal friend.  :o)



  1. Great advice, and thoughtful post.

    I home schooled my kiddos from 2nd grade through high school. Now both doing really well in college. Hearing loss made the journey - unforgettable. :-)

  2. Thank-you! I started homeschooling my oldest when he was in Kindergarten. I've been homeschooling for 7 yrs. now. And, I have a long way to go!
