Sunday, May 6, 2012

Mother's Day Again

So Mother's Day is comin' around the corner again. 
I find myself taking more and more deep breaths lately.
I know that it won't be nearly as hard as last year. 
But, I still miss Her. 
I can't exactly order flowers and have them delivered 
to the cemetery. 

I know that I'll think of something though. 
Maybe I'll do what I did last year; release a balloon up to
Heaven for my mom. Or lay flowers at the campground 
where she used to go camping.

I might have flowers delivered to the women who have
stuck close to me this past year; even though they're not my parent. 
Or, maybe I'll just send flowers to every woman who has
meant something to me in my life! Now, that is a crazy, awesome idea!
Maybe I'll even send some anonymously. 

It's good to celebrate the living while they're still here. 
Flowers don't really do a whole lot of good once they're gone. 

So, here's to mothers, daughters, sisters, cousins, aunts and best friends......
May you have a beautiful and blessed Mother's Day!    :)

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