Thursday, March 29, 2012

Spreadin' The Love

Ok, I've decided that I'm gonna  spread some love!
Well, maybe it's not exactly love, but I AM going to try and make some people happy!
I've been reading a book called, "One Simple Act: Discovering the Power of Generosity", 
by Debbie Macomber.  And, she has some pretty good ideas. I also took some ideas that
I found online on a website called, 
And, did I mention? I'm very excited! 

I went to a fast food place, bought several gift cards worth $5.00 each. 
I will place one card inside a blank greeting card, put it in an envelope, 
and place them in random places. The kids were really excited about 
trying to think of creative places to leave the cards. I'm pretty excited too!
Along with each gift card, we'll include a fun, light-hearted tract; 
a gentle way to lead people to Christ. This seems to be the most laid back approach.  

Then, there is the project that I'm doing in honor of my mom. 
When my mom went through chemotherapy, I did some research online 
and I would send her care packages that included things that I hoped 
would ease her discomfort and help her on her journey to recovery.  

I was told about a cancer patient just this week. She will be the first recipient
of this project. It will be a tote bag filled with items that I hope will 
make her journey a little easier.  

But perhaps more importantly, I'm going to try and remember to pray 
for each individual that finds one of the gift cards. And, we'll be praying 
for each cancer patient who receives a tote bag. Prayer is simple, but powerful. 
It can be the best act of kindness that we choose to do for one another. 

What random act of kindness will you do today? 

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