Monday, April 15, 2013

Worldly Wisdom

I was reading my devotional when I came across this verse today.

"For the wisdom of this world is foolishness in God's sight."
~Corinthians 3:19

As a person with a profound hearing loss, there is much that
I miss out on. And, then there is much that I choose to ignore.
Sometimes, it's both. I miss it, and I don't care.
In today's society, it would seem that everyone should take 
notice and care about the latest gossip. 
What is the name of Tom Cruise's most recent wife?
Who is Taylor Swift really singing about in her most recent hit song?
What is the latest fashion style that is sashaying down the runway?
I honestly don't care.

But, people would have me think otherwise. 
I've been gawked at because I wasn't familiar with a hot name in Hollywood,
I've been laughed at when I didn't know what certain sexually explicit 
urban slang meant, and they were stunned when I confessed that I 
never watch daytime soap operas. 

But in my opinion, It. Doesn't. Matter.

Yes, I should probably watch the World News, but we don't 
have cable, and when the World News is available, my family and I
are sitting around our table, eating dinner together. 
Most of the events that occur today, the events that make it into the news,
will likely be forgotten within a few days. Only to be replaced with 
the next string of shocking headliners. But, my children will have 
memories of what happened as we ate around the dining room table 
every single night. And, in my book, that is most important.   

I used to feel awkward and guilty for not keeping up with the latest gossip. 
But, after reading today's verse, I see now that I am not the fool. 
The foolish ones are the people who mock me for not keeping up 
with the latest celebrity headlines and who believe that wisdom 
lies in knowing the latest gossip. 

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