Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Prayin' and Readin'

I am amazed at the work that God has been doing in my life lately!
During this Lenten season, I've been spending a lot of time 
either reading or in prayer. 

I've been praying that He would cleanse me from the inside out. 
I've been reading books about the areas that I desperately needed cleansing.
Those two things together have been proving to have incredible results. 

I needed to learn anger management. I prayed and read.
I needed to learn to forgive and move on. I prayed and read. 
I needed to stop trying to control everything in my life. I prayed and read.
I needed to learn to tame my tongue. I prayed and read.
I needed to learn how to respect my husband. I prayed and read.
I needed to understand God's unconditional love for me. I prayed and read.

I also had some serious repenting to do. 
I prayed and wept. And, prayed some more.
It is amazing how free I feel after repenting for my sins.

This doesn't mean that my life is perfect now in any way.
Far from it. But, I think that I am growing in a closer relationship with God these days.
I take everything to Him. Committing to be obedient in Him.

And, my reward? 
I've been longing for years that my husband would pray with me.
When I first asked him to pray with me several years ago, 
he was uncomfortable. It felt unnatural to him to pray out loud.
I grew angry and frustrated with him because I wanted him to 
pray out loud. I wanted him to pray my way. 
I let it go for a long time. Then, last night, I took the tools that I 
learned recently, and applied them. I gently asked him 
if he would pray for and with me. I told him he could pray silently or out loud.
I told him it was his choice, and I'd be satisfied with either one that he decided. 
We held hands. I waited. Then, he began to pray out loud! 
Imagine my surprise! 
This, I knew, was my reward from God. 

I have been asking for God to help my husband and I find a way 
to pray together that worked for both of us. 
My husband's prayers meant so much to me; and they touched a depth in my
heart and soul that I don't think that he can even begin to fathom. A depth that
I've been longing for him to touch with prayer for so long. 
It is an awesome thing!

There is still much time before the Lenten season is finished yet. 
But, I am so grateful for all that God has given and shown me thus far.
I cannot imagine what more He holds in store for me! 

May God bless you during this Lenten season and open your eyes to 
new possibilities!  :o)  

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