Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Heart Stages

I feel like since my mom passed away in December of 2010, 
my heart has undergone several major renovations. 
I call them: heart stages.

Stage 1. Unbroken~  
Before my mom passed away life was good. 
Whole. Complete. Unbroken. 
There was no major pain or loss in my life. 
My heart was intact.

Stage 2. Shattered~  
Life as I knew it was over. 
Broken. Shattered. Irreparable.
My heart felt like it had been shattered 
into a million splintered pieces.

Stage 3. Together/but empty~ 
Grief was over. Healing began.
Cracked. Empty. Transparent. 
God had mended my broken heart back together.

Stage 4. Filling with toxic waste~
My heart was empty. Filling with toxic poison.
Emotional. Psychological. Physical.
An empty heart leaves room for the devil to take a foothold. 

Stage 5. Empty again~
Toxic waste is out. Healing began again. 
Scrubbed. Transparent. Clean. 
Prayed and repented to God. 

Stage 6. Heart filling up~
My heart is filling up and overflowing.
Renewed. Growing. Hope. 
I want my heart to overflow with gratitude, love,
respect, compassion, patience, and all things good.      

Stage 7. Rest~
I can rest assured knowing that God is in control. 
Pray. Wait. Trust. Obey.
I will continue to abide in Him, and He abide in me.     

This sums up the past year of my life.  
It's been a long, painful, dark road to travel. 
But, I now see the light. 
I'm so glad that God is so forgiving.
And, I'm thankful that my husband loves me unconditionally. 
I am truly blessed!      

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